TRYNT Heavy Technologies

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Amazon Web Services

I have to thank the guys at Open Stock Photography for "reintroducing" the TRYNT team to the Amazon Web Services. After seeing OSP integrate Amazon S3 in a matter of days our interest has been peaked. Amazon EC2 seem especially intriguing. Stay tuned for more as start making progress with the EC2.

(Interest in EC2 not yet peaked? Maybe you should read about Hadoop which is offering Google-esq Map/Reduce via EC2 or PXN8 on EC2)

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Open Stock Photography

Recently I've found myself mentioning Open Stock Photography a more then once. Well folks here I go again! The OSP team has taken advantage of yet another free TRYNT web service to offer "search translations."

You can see an example here. By clicking "Translate" you'll be making an AJAX call to our web service for "translations." This is a very interesting utilization.

These guys are really using as many APIs as they can get their hands on. According to their "changelog" they are now using everything from Amazon S3 to IceRocket to MSN to Yahoo! Very very cool!

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

About the TRYNT Wiktionary Related Web Service

About the TRYNT Wiktionary Translate Web Service

The TRYNT Wiktionary Translate Web Service extracts word translations from Wiktionary. Pretty self explanatory.

Here are a few examples of the web service in action:

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Popular TRYNT Web Services

A while back we posted a list of most popular web services. Back then our CAPTCHA web service was leading the back because it had been integrated into a few blogging applications. Curious which TRYNT web services are leading the back now? Here is our up to date list:

The list is suprisingly similar to our last one. Mostly a bit of shifting around. Apparently Google Pagerank just isn't as interesting as it used to be.

Attention mash-up developers! If you are consuming TRYNT web services in your application then let us know! We'll help you promote it.

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Congrats Open Stock Photography

Open Stock Photography, a mash-up partially powered by TRYNT, has made it's way into and subsequently Great work!

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Media Template Grid-Server

Whoa! According to the Odin Assemble Dev blog, Odin Assemble has been tested on the new Media Temple Grid-Server platform. We may have just found a home for our planned dedicated web service host (a la

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Torrents! A FreshMash Group Mash-up

The FreshMash group is at it again folks with an perfectly timed mash-up release. Their latest mash-up, Torrents!, is (as you may have guessed) a BitTorrent search engine. Why is this so perfectly timed you ask?

In the past few days a lot of attention has been given to GoogleTorrents. GoogleTorrents is a Google Coop based custom search engine that tries to help you find torrent files. Trying the website myself I had mixed results. As you can see here searching GoogleTorrents for "documentary" and here searching for "ebook" few if any actual torrent files are returned. While it is an interesting concept, it's hard to imagine Google letting the domain "" slip through the cracks, but who knows.

And that isn't where the Google/Torrent discussion ends. According to a recent post at Torrentfreak, when the popular BitTorrent website Torrentspy was taken to court by the MPAA they used Google as their motion to dismiss argument. Torrentspy argued “everything alleged about defendants’ website (torrentspy) is true about Google, and even more so, because Google outperforms the allegations in the complaint. Plaintiffs’ (MPAA) factually empty and broadbrush categorical accusations are like mud that covers all distinctions.” (Source)

So where's the connection to Torrents!? According to Torrents! About, "If Google can do it, why not Yahoo?" That being said we hope you enjoy Torrents!"

Because Torrents! and GoogleTorrents are similar in "concept" I was curious how they stacked up against each other. After running the same two searches, "documentary" and "ebook," at Torrents! I found Torrents! much more effective.

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About the TRYNT Torrent Details Web Service

The TRYNT Torrent Details Web Service parses BitTorrent files for the included metadata.

Here is an example of this web service in action:

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Everyone loves torrents!

Sometimes I'm amazed at how ubiquitous torrents have become. Even the Amazon S3 platform offers torrent support. Since TRYNT doesn't want to be left out of all the fun we've got a torrent web service that should come out of beta today or tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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Over 250K CAPTCHAs Served

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to develop using TRYNT APIs and Web Services. Watching our traffic (and web service usage) grow over time has really been motivational for the entire team. Thanks again.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Ask TRYNT: Why can't I get your web services to "validate?"

Q: I can't use your movie comment feed with Magpie. It doesn't display anything. I also tried using other online rss readers but they won't show your feed. Then I tried validating your feed, but it says not valid? Is this a bug or is it me?

A: The reason our movie comment "web service" doesn't "validate" is because it's not a "feed" but rather a "web service." The feed validation tool you are using validates Atom, RDF and RSS feeds. Our web service returns an XML data structure (which may appear visually similar at first glance) but it is not in valid Atom, RDF or RSS format. You may have better luck visualizing our XML using a more generic XML parser like the one found at FeedMeme.

Stay tuned for our 2.0 version of this web service which will support Serialized-PHP output. If you take advantage of this output format you can skip the XML parsing all together.

Hope this helps!

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Sixteen TRYNT Mash-ups listed at ProgrammableWeb!

We've got sixteen mash-ups listed at ProgrammableWeb that are "powered by TRYNT!" Lots of cool innovation. Keep up the good work folks - We love it!

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Friday, November 03, 2006


So what is a "Meta-API?" Recently at TRYNT HQ we found ourselves discussing this very concept.

I found myself thinking of web services like the TRYNT Flickr Suggest Web Service which uses the Flickr API to return tag suggestions (something not accomplished by the original API). At the same time other team members felt the title implied something along the lines of a "meta-search engine" (ie search engine aggregator). Mapstraction was used as an example because it offers a unified API for multiple mapping APIs.

Let us know what you think! What does "Meta-API" mean to you?

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Image Color Extraction Web Service - Bug Squash!

Thanks to the folks over at Open Stock Photography a bug in our TRYNT Image Color Extract Web Service. We used this as an opportunity to upgrade the web service to our new 2.0 model so you can expect to see a few web/blog updates posted shortly. In the mean time those brave souls who want to take advantage of our Serialized PHP and JSON outputs need only to point their applications to:


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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

FreshMash Horoscopes

The FreshMash group has just released another mash-up titled Horoscope (very creative guys ).

It's interesting to see a mash-up that consumes TRYNT APIs in such unique ways. This mashup is designed to help you integrate your daily horoscope into virtually any HTML page. (Think RSS2JS)

Here is my personal horoscope (automatically updating) thanks to FreshMash.

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About the TRYNT Chinese Zodiac Web Service (v2)

The TRYNT Chinese Zodiac Web Service calculates the zodiac animal, number and description for birthdates between January 1st, 1901 to January 1st, 2021.

Like all other v2 web services offered by TRYNT you can take advantage of XML, Serialized PHP and JSON responses.

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About the TRYNT Astrology Horoscope Web Service (v2)

The TRYNT Astrology Horoscope Web Service provides daily horoscope information for any sign of the Zodiac as well as complimentary data about the sign in question. While the Month, Day and Sign are all "optional" arguments you must pass at least a Month/Day set or Sign for this web service to functional properly.

Here are a few examples of this web service in action:

Like all other v2 web services offered by TRYNT you can take advantage of XML, Serialized PHP and JSON responses.

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